Friday, October 30, 2015

More People to Love

                              One of the best blessings of being on a mission is the opportunity
                           to get to meet great people and to call them friends. As we leave West Africa,                                         here are just a few of the many we will remember.  
                                Sister Scripture classes helped to fill us with the spirit. Nov. 3, 2014

Sister Scripture Class 10/15

Dinah De-Graft  and Wendy Ephraim our best friends in the Area Office.

                                                        James Ewudsie at Baptism Beach

                                             Rebecca and (Matthew) - the most welcoming people
                                                                     in Ghana

                                                Bernice - a great example of a Ghanaian Woman
                                                                of God (Bags by Bernice)

                                                      Kent and Judy Fitzgerald our trainers.

Stephen and Rosely Webster our capable replacements.
Old Friends (family friends)  help you get your feet on the ground.
Doug and Becky Stoker

                                                 Life long frends and examples of rightouseness.
                                                       Area President Lee Curtis and Jane

                                  We thank the Lord everyday for the opportunity to be in Africa.

                                                 Denny and Lorene Berrett joined us
                                                               from Liberia.

                                                         Priscilla Gyasi from Dodowa.

                                             Missionary presence at the Kente cloth festival.

                                          Bishop Sadehem and his wife Margaret. Maker of
                                                     our Kente cloth banners and friend.

                                                Seaders who joined us from Sierra Leone and
                                                      went to Cape Coast- Humanitarian.

                                            The Parks, & Sister Smith.(who did our cookbook
                                            and has a heart of gold.)  The Parkes, Gary and
                                              Helen were temple missionaries and are now
                                                   humanitarian missionaries in Senegal.

                             Regula (shopping buddy) and Phillip Kradolpher DT, Nene Dunenyo I
                                              The Crisps kept the Ghana Mission running.
                                     Sister Wall, Sister Crisp, Sister Kirkham, Sister Barrett

Kent and Carolee Keel from the Ghana West Mission.

                                              President and Sister Afful - temple President
                                                 and Matron with the Assards.
                                             The Assards are back to serve in the temple.

                                             Area Presidency, Elder Lee Curtis, Elder Terry Vinson
                                            Elder Edward Dube with Phillip Kradolpher DT,
                                              and Robert Wilde, Exec. Secretary.

                                         The Crosgraves now called to be mission presidents.

                                        The Sanders - medical and MLS in the Ghana mission.

                                         Thanksgiving at the Hills house in Cocoa Palms.
                                         President Norman Hill and Raelene - good friends.

                                          The Robisons,Diane and Reid, President of the MTC
                                           and creative wonderful fiends.
                               Sister Malmrose and Sister Stutz with happiness in their eyes.

                                                 Bill and Arlene Barrett, and their son
                                                    Finance Manager and Mental Health

Julanders served in Cape Coast area as MLS.
                                           ICS Manager Okechukwu Imo one of our favorite

                                               Charles and Ave married in the Accra temple.
                                       Charles was our favorite and most kind emergency helper.

                                            Marion Esiape Human Resource Manager and
                                                       long time church employee.

                                         The Browns from Australia served in Koforidua.

                                                  Family Home Evening friends every month.

My favorite jacket was made by a kind friend, Sister Wade.

                                              Sister Wade, Hanna Morrison, Sister Wilde
   President Isaac Morrison, Hanna, Kelvin, & Gilbert at our house.

Can't see too many pictures of this dear friend Kay Vinson.

Jane Curtis teaching about the priesthood.

Naume and Edith Dube making sugar Cookies for Christmas with me.

Area Presidency, DT and Executive Secretary
                          Deanne Patch, Kay Vinson, Jane Curtis, Naume Dube, Deanne Wilde
             Renn Patch, Elder Terry Vinson, Elder LeGrand Curtis, Elder Edward Dube, Robert Wilde                                    

                                                    Next door neighbors, wonderful friends.
                                                 2nd Counselor  Elder Edward Dube and Naume

                                                   Upstairs neighbors, wonderful friends.
                                                   1st Counselor Elder Terry Vinson and Kay

                                           Lifelong friends and shoulder of responsibility.
                                               President Elder LeGrand Curtis and Jane

                                   President Mensah 2nd Counselor Accra Temple and his guitar.

                                             Robert Smith - and musical genius on the piano.

                                                Sister Wade, Sister Wilde, Sister Kirkham

                                                         Delynn Heid- good friend

                                         President David Heid and Sister Heid- Accra Mission

Sister Caroline Martins - temple mission
Made our mission a lot more fun. 

Best Friend and Partner
                                    Working at schools, Aye Mensah and Ghana Make a Difference.

                                                                 The Children of Africa.

                                             Mary Richard playing the flute for the children.
                                                Mary Richards, Jane Curtis, Deanne Wilde

Marty and Jennifer Slater Area Legal -  great friends.

                                                         Marty Slater- Area Legal Advisor

                                     Deanne Patch, Edith Dube, Kay Vinson, Deanne Wilde
                                                                   Jane Curtis, Naume Dube

Employee Devotionals blessed our lives.

                                          Traveling to Mole with Cannons, Wades, Packs,
                                           Calls and Watson.
                                          Countless dinner outs with fellow Ghana lovers.

Christmas day at the MTC 

                                                      Kay Vinson's best pizza in the world.

                                                  Nene  Queen Mother from Konogo
                                                  Deavers joined us after the evacuation
                                                             from Sierra Leone.

                                   President Ansah and Sister Ansah 1st Counselor Temple
                              Presidency with the  Gary and Helen Park - temple missionaires.

Wendy Ephraim 

Claire and JB are happy to have us home.

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