Party with the Browns from Australia July 19, 2016
Dinner with the Morrison Family 3-29-16
Party with the Watsons from Virgina 2-3-2016
Party with the Bullocks from Canada 1-14-2016
Welcome Home Party with the Curtis Family August 16, 2016
Dave and Calene Peck, Elder Lee Curtis and Jane, Terry and Heidi Wall, Bob and Deanne Wilde, Reid and Diane Robison, Lynn and Lynette Panter, Steve and Gloria Terry, Lynn and Janice Pack, Lorene and Denny Berrett, Grant and Susan Hill, John and Jan Kirkham, John and Sara Bodine, Bill and Arlene Barrett, John and Loretta Julander, Marty and Jennifer Slater, Doug and Becky Stoker, Robert and Joan Smith, Kent and Judy Fitzgerald
Africa West Area Missionaries
Terry and Cynthia Call - SYSAP |
James and Paula Elmer- Area Medical |
Doug and Becky Stoker - Public Affairs |
John and Patricia Watson - Family History |
Gayle and Joan Heckel - Literacy Specialists |
Lynn and Lynette Panter - Humanitarian |
John and Jan Kirkham - Legal |
Grant and Susan Hill - Medical |
David and Calene Peck - Public Affairs |
Arlon and Linda Petersen - SYSAP |
Ed and Janice Ridges - Pathways and SSI |
Jim and Nancy Bullock - Humanitarian |
Robert and Joan Smith - Auditors |
Lynn and Janice Pack - PEF |
Russell and Shelley Cannon - PEF |
Steve and Gloria Terry - IT |
Doug and Michelle Clark - Auditors |
Bob and Deanne Wilde - Executive Secretary |
Zone Conference 1/20/2015
Zone Conference 6/2/2015 |
Zone Conference 8/19/2015 |
Zone Conference March 17, 2015 |
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