Thursday, September 3, 2015

People in Ghana 2

There are many wonderful things about living in Ghana. Living within 250 paces from the temple is one but even better is the opportunity to be with the saints who attend the temple.

Being near the beach is great but the people on the beach are better.

When school is out these kids spend their day at mom's shop in the market.

This little one will also spend her days in the market until she is old enough for school.

Spending the day in the market is a grand adventure which brings a smile to everyone...

... as does bringing home dinner.

Dinner means different things to different people. This grass cutter rat will make a nice stew. (Ask Elder Wilde, he knows.)

When the shops close it is time to take your treasures home.

The people here are wonderful. We will miss them and their positive view of life.

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