Sunday, September 28, 2014

Pots and People

We visited Kpetoe, (pronounced Petway) which is about four hour drive from Accra. Bishop Sadahem, a friend in Accra, whose village is Kpetoe arranged for us to see pottery making by local villagers at a nearby village.This village is blessed with mud . Unlike the pot makes in the US, they do not use wheels. The women walk around and around as they make their pots. They bend over as they work, and somehow those pot turn out to be perfectly round. After shaping them they smooth them with rags and leaves and sticks and then let them dry in the sun. These are the pots they made which now will be cooked in a oven. If the pots crack or get broken, they soften the clay again with water and start all over again. We are like pots. When we make mistakes, we repent, and then the Lord gives us water to soften us up and let us take a new shape. We are all in the process of becoming.

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