Saturday, September 6, 2014

Once More in Dodowa

We went to Dodowa for church again. I love that place. Elder and Sister Dube went with us. I called the branch president last night and told him I was bringing Elder Dube. That meant they were mostly ready for him. Even though he is a general authority they introduced him as an area 70, the first time. By priesthood meeting they got it sorted out. They gave him 15 minutes in sacrament meeting and 25 minutes in a combined priesthood/relief society. They would have followed him anywhere. He has a wonderful energetic style. In priesthood/relief society he taught about our desire to have good things for our families based on I Nephi 6. He then parlayed that into having them all set a goal to speak to their parents, grand parents, uncles and “aunties” to get three names of ancestors they had not found before to submit to the temple. As he was moving from point to point he used a very interesting tool he can get away with but I probably could not. After laying the scriptural foundation for a point he would say “you mean to tell me … WOW.” It was a great opportunity to be with one of the brethren in a small branch where the members clearly appreciated the unique opportunity it was.

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