Sunday, May 17, 2015

James Town

James Town is the oldest neighborhood in Accra and has more personality than almost anywhere else in town. 

A highlight is the 30 meter red and white colonial lighthouse. You can climb the spiral staircase and see much of the city.

James Town is also the home of James Fort Prison, now closed. It's empty shell is a reminder of hard times past.

With our guide, "Nice One," we went down into the fishing village below the lighthouse. 

This is the 3rd largest harbor in Ghana next to Tema and Cape Coast. Fishing is still the traditional way of life here and fishing boats come in early to mid morning with their catch.

                                                     Boats are made in the village.

Fish are carried to the shore and laid out to dry or put in barrels and taken to market.

The ground is covered with sardines drying so they can be sold. 
Some of the fish are put into trays to smoke them.
Repairing the nets are one of the major jobs that need to be done and redone.

The life of a fisherman's family is not easy.

The work is hard.

But despite this, the people had a sense of community here and they let everyone come here. The school is also paid for by the community so all of the children can go.
This is Elder Wilde in front of the school. This was Saturday so it was closed.

                                    There is a sense of belonging here. And fishing is very important.

The children grow up with boating dreams.

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