Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Creating New Stakes, Wards and Branches

 One of the most fun things we get to see is the growth of the Church in West Africa. One of our jobs is to process the paper work to create the new stakes, wards and branches.Displaying FullSizeRender.jpg

The strong faith and love that the people have here for the gospel is powerful. The Church has only officially been in West Africa about 40 years since Nov. 1978 and so we are seeing its very beginning, its birth.  Bob and I have been attending wards in the Ashiman Stake for the last few months - Bethlehem, Kpone, Dawenya and Michel Camp Branch.

In 2005 Ashaiman was one ward. They met in a tent which had to be put up and taken down each week. When it rained, the woman and children would move to the inside of the tent, the the men would line the outside. 

In 2008 they got a building to hold church in, It quickly became the Tema Stake

But the people kept coming. The Tema Stake divided  in 2014 and the Ashaiman Stake was created . Now we have two Stakes.
All this from one little ward holding church in a tent. .

This is the first Stake Conference of the Ashaiman Stake. If you look closely you can see Elder Wilde and me and Doug and Becky Stoker.  It is such a blessing to be among these people. Elder Holland said it well when he said, "Africa is one of those special places where you get to see the glory of the Lord, the wonder and the miracle of the Restoration, quite literally unfold before your eyes."

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