Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Temple Blessings

The saints in West Africa are blessed by having two temples, one in Accra, Ghana and the other in Aba, Nigeria. Today we met with a member of the high council who had come with his stake on the bus from Abidjan in the Ivory Coast on a bus. The trip took a day and half. They come alone, in families, by wards and by stakes. 

Shortly before we arrived the senior missionaries assigned to the Area office were asked to spend their Sunday school time teaching the temple preparation class. We have been involved in teaching in seven wards and branches.

 Brother Washington was in the early classes we taught. He is in the Medina 1st Ward.

Sister Bonnie is also in the Medina1st Ward. We fell in love with her. 

Brother Apperty was in the Branch Presidency. Dodowa is a now a ward.They were sealed
to their two sons.

Brother Rock, in the middle, became the family history teacher after he went to the temple.

Getting sealed to Eva has been the highlight of Charles' life.

This is the bishop from the Bethlehem Ward Nikoi Dsane and two elders from our class Michael and Franklin each of whom now has a mission call. 

At the conclusion of the temple preparation class in Medina 2 this long time couple was sealed in the Accra temple. The ordinance was performed in the Fante language.

Anthony Koomson is the first counselor in the bishopric in the Bethlehem ward.

Dora was sealed to her husband,Stephen Tettey, and their three daughters.- Dawenya Branch

Elder Agyei is in the MTC. He met his family at the temple and was sealed to his parents, four brothers and a sister (Sabina).  The ordinance was performed in Twi (pronounced tree)

This is Michel Camp Branch. Sister Adams, in the middle in red, taught the class in English and Twi at the same time. She is a wonderful teacher.

 This is the Medina 2nd ward with the 2nd Counselor, Brother Eghan.
 Can you see the joy in their eyes? And in ours?

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