Thursday, April 30, 2015

Chocolate is Big in Ghana

Chocolate is big in Ghana 
New research has proven that chocolate is good not only for the soul, but for the mind and body as well. It is no coincidence that the botanical name of the cocoa plant from which chocolate originates is Theobroma: “food of the gods.”
Most of the chocolate we eat has it roots in Africa which produces 70% of the worlds cocoa beans. .Most of the beans are exported to USA, Malaysia, Holland ( the number one being Holland.) There is only one company who makes chocolate in Ghana. You can see the hawkers selling them on the streets. Most of the cocoa beans are exported.

This picture is Teta Quarschie who brought the first cocoa beans to Ghana.and this is the first cocoa plantation in Ghana

Cocoa Pods actually grow on the sides of the tree trunks.

The cocoa beans are inside the pods. The white soft filler is very sweet too.

The is the Research Institute of Ghana in Koforidua. 
They are using all their efforts to increase the use of cocoa beans
 and help the farmers to grow it better.
After fermenting,the cocoa beans are laid out to dry.

                             In Ghana they believe that chocolate can help cure almost anything.

                                        Elder Wilde enjoying a hot chocolate at the end of our tour.

Image result for chocolate bar as big as my head

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