Sunday, March 1, 2015

Take a Chance and go to Ho

 Last week we went on a Saturday to hike Wli Falls (pronounced Vlee Falls) which are really named Agumatsa Falls with the Curtises and the Berretts.

The ferry over the Volta River carries automobiles, trucks, and hawkers.

 We hiked to the lower falls and passed pineapple plants, bamboo trees, and villagers washing in the river.

This is a pineapple plant in the wild.

The falls were wet. They are  near the Togo border and are the tallest  falls in West Africa.  After we headed off to see the monkeys.

 It was almost dark when we arrived at the monkey sanctuary Our tour host called the monkeys with her clicking smacking noise, and our bananas.They are Mante monkeys and are cute and small, and love bananas.

 Deanne was truly excited about this part of the trip.

After seeing the monkeys we went to Ho in the Volta region and stayed at Chance Hotel.

The next day we went to church at the  Ho 2, Ho 1 and Tsito branches. The members were wonderful. We all had a chance to bear our testimonies and to hear Elder Curtis speak on the restoration of the gospel. It was a delightful day.

TheTsito Branch.

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