Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Family comes to Africa

After we got our call to a mission in Africa we wondered if anyone would come to see us. After all it is 7000 miles and seven time zones away and we had $1500 worth shots before they would clear us to come. We had hoped for some grandkids but since the oldest is just 16  we didn't see that working. Miracle of miracles, we got  the next best thing, Deanne's sister Janett Thurston just happened to be passing through on her way to Rome and decided to stop in for a couple of days. We pulled out all the stops and put her on a hide-a-bed in out study and hoped she would not fall out of bed like Bob did one night. We looked for some memorable things to do and took her everywhere of we could think of to give her a taste of Africa. Because she was here such a short time she missed a couple of important things like elephants, baboons, and malaria. 

Janett in her posh bedroom

You can tell by the smile that Janett enjoyed Ghana

Janett, the Wildes, and the Pecks (public affairs missionaries) at the Cape Coast slave castle.

How do we get out of this dungeon?

Janett and Deanne at the cannon battery.

In front of Janett is the window where the guards watched to keep track of the slaves being held prisoner. Behind her is the door to the chapel.

Janett, the Wildes, and Bishop James Ewudzie, the 4th member of the Church in Ghana at baptism beach where many of the pioneers of the Church in Ghana were baptized.

Saturday we went Batiking (is that a verb). The wall is composed of foam stamps used to stamp cloth with wax so that when the cloth is dyed it contains colorful African symbols.

Janett Batiks.

Every type of design  you could want.

Today was blue day.

Sunday we went to church at the Michel Camp Branch. The font is under the Mango tree.

Monday some of us went to scripture class,

and shopped at the National Cultural Center art market.

Janett found a treasure
 and also was able to meet some of real treasures of Africa, the people.

                 We were delighted Janett came to visit us.There is nothing quite like FAMILY.

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