Saturday, June 7, 2014

Have Miracles Ceased?

Friday – Got my first 3 mosquito bites at the Christianborg Stake center during President and Sister Judd’s farewell. He has served for three years in one of the Accra Missions. The choir was wonderful. There were two cute girls singing on the front row. They were sharing music from their hearts. Pres. Judd spoke of a man who was raised in Accra. Every time his family walked by the temple his mother and father told him it was cursed and if he looked at it, he would be cursed too. He never turned his head and never looked at the temple. His father died not too long ago and a few weeks after his death his father appeared to him in a dream. He said, “Son, I taught you a lie. I told you to turn your head and not look back at that temple or you would be cursed. That place is not cursed and I want you to go there and get baptized for me.” Being an obedient son, he went to the temple, walked in the front door, and asked to be baptized for his father. They asked him for his paperwork but he said he didn’t have any. They asked for his recommend and he asked “what is a recommend?“ Then they asked him if he was a member and he said no, he just wanted to be baptized for his father. Missionaries were called and they taught him the discussions. He was baptized shortly after and then was allowed to do the baptism for his father. I have wondered why Africans seem to have a lot of very spiritual experiences . Have miracles ceased? No. Just come to Ghana and you will see the Hand of the Lord. This is a land of dreams and visions. I think it is because they are more open to believing their dreams. They do not doubt them and they don’t intellectualize them away. They are a profoundly believing people. Since they will listen, God talks to them. People of faith have miracles.

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