Monday, June 23, 2014

The colors of Africa

Something that is special about Ghana is the wonderful fabric you can find here.

I love the batiks. Batiking is labor intensive, but produces uniquely colored fabrics and designs. I went with some of the senior missionaries yesterday to Esther’s house to make batik fabric in the back of her home. We were given white material and then we picked out stamps that had been carved in foam. They have an amazing wall of designs from adinkra symbols to zebra, giraffes, and monkeys.

It is an amazing process. First you dip your foam in wax – and then stamp each design. You create your own design and pick your colors.

Then the material is put into pots of dye with your first color and dyed. Then it is laid out on the grass and dried. You then can add more wax and dip it into your second color. You could even add more colors if you had more time.

You never really know what color your cloth will turn. It is kind of like life. The Lord asks you to do different callings in different and colorful places. You keep adding experiences and dipping yourself into them, and you become a different person because of it, more colorful, with more texture and richer.

These are our finished cloths. We are a pretty colorful group.


  1. Wow! I always wondered how they did that! All the cloth looks gorgeous that everyone made! Thanks for sharing how to do this art and for your comparison to life's experiences.

  2. We call it tie dye. I dont knknow about now but when i was there it's one of d most expensive clothing in Africa/Liberia
