Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Spiritual Feast; Tema Stake Conference

The first week we were here we were invited to attend a stake conference in Tema. It was our first time to drive anywhere far. We left very early and ended up driving to the MTC instead of the Stake Center. Luckily there was a Nigerian MTC instructor there who was going to the conference and got into the car to be our guide. He must have been new too because we all wandered around for a while on some paved and some dirt roads and then we found the conference. We were only 15 min. late. Bob sat on the stand with the Stake President Isaac Morrison. (see picture) It was a great conference. Every single speaker was interesting and spoke with such strength and the spirit. Elder Okungbowa was first. He talked about how members and missionaries all need to work together. Remember their face, learn their name and share your heart with them. Members can pray mighty prayers for investigators. They can invite missionaries to teach in their homes and bear testimony. Even the new convert who spoke was creative. She talked about having a new baby and going to the hospital when friends came celebrated with her, visited the baby in the hospital and brought gifts. It was so great. But when she went home, she forgot to take the baby. She left the baby in the hospital. People wondered why she left her baby. She compared that to leaving a new member all alone and not calling any more or visiting them after they are baptized. She then gave some examples of what we could do to help new members such as invite them to you homes for FHE and dinner, sit by them and be their friend. We can also help them sing because not everyone knows how the hymns are sung. We can help them to read the scriptures because they may not understand them; they are not written in every day English you know. Pray for them and let them meet your children. This conference was a Spiritual Feast. We got to bear our testimonies on African soil.

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