Sunday, June 14, 2015

Rain Rain Go Away

One of our first posts was about the rain in Ghana. Here we go again.

We drove to church in the rain today. It has been raining off and on for a couple of weeks.
These are members of our ward walking home from church. The reason they are not in our car is because we had nine passengers in our seven passenger car including two babies and the oldest man in the ward.

This is the road we drove through going to and from church. We drive a kilometer or two on road like this. 

The members walk to church in this. Despite the mud the spirit is strong once we arrive. 

When the path is not clear you have to make do.

Nevertheless, the inconvenience of walking to church in the rain and in the mud is far outweighed by what the weather has done to other Ghanaians. A week and a half ago it rained four inches in one day and flooded significant parts of Accra. Depending on which news report you believe between 150 and 250 people lost their lives as a result of the weather.

Compare this boy's plight to that of our neighbor, above. 

The streets were flooded.

The parking was flooded.

The drainage system was flooded.

Some of the senior missionaries' cars were flooded.

Some of the senior missionaries' apartments were flooded. After the Heckels ground floor apartment was flooded they were moved to an apartment at the temple complex on the second floor where a pipe burst and flooded them again. Then they moved up to the third floor.

We are only at the beginning of the rainy season. Hopefully we will not experience further damage.

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