Saturday, January 24, 2015

Mormon Helping Hands

All Africa Day of Service 

One of the most memorable activities we have done here was with the Dodowa branch. The entire ward brainstormed activities to do a month in advance and then planned the day. “If you want to stand in holy places, you will be there”, said Branch President Yingura. This is his family.


 Three couples came with us, the Berretts (Denny and Lorene) from Liberia (and from our home Stake),our new friends the Kirkhams,(Jan and John). and the Watsons, (Ed and Pat.)  We left at 6:00 am to get to Dodowa by 7:00a.m., and then drove to the town further north to work at the police station there. We whacked weeds, cleaned gutters, washed furniture, and swept and cleaned up garbage so that the new police station could open it’s doors soon.  The weed whacking champion was a lady named Gifty. She spent the whole time bent over and whacking the weeds down to the dirt. They use a knife or machete here called a cutlass to cut the grass.

Sister Watson

                                              Everyone helped.

Priscilla is going to school and works really hard.  Being the only member of the church in her family, she has learned everything she knows from the scriptures and from attending church.  She shines. The light of the gospel shines in her face.  She is wearing the helping hands vest that we all wore for the All Africa Service Day.

 I got an ant sting that felt like a bee sting but it did not damper the joy of working with such good people.  The desks and chairs inside the station were ones that you might just throw away – and no one at the DI would even buy them, but they were the ones they would be using. We wished that we had some furniture to give them or at least some furniture polish or shoe polish or something to help them out, but all we were able to do is to wash them and get the wasp nests out of the drawers.

                                                   "It is finished"

 Two little neighbor boys passed by us on the road, taking their homemade stick controlled car with them for a drive.

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