Sunday, December 14, 2014

Going to Church in Ghana

Going to church in Ghana is a great experience. These pictures are from the Michels Camp Branch in Tema. It is just like the last thousand times you went to church, but it is different. The buildings are built for the climate in Africa except that they don’t have air conditioning anywhere other than the bishops’ offices and the stake offices. Instead they have ceiling fans and slot windows which open to let the breeze through. All of the floors in the buildings are tile rather than wood or carpet. There are no water fountains. When they bless the sacrament the priests take the lid off a two liter bottle of water in case they run out and need more. Virtually all speakers begin their talks “good morning brothers and sisters” whereupon the congregation replies “good morning.” In many branches and some wards the music is acappella. None of the priesthood leaders wear suit coats.

The children here love Sister Wilde's stickers. Both boys and girls wear short hair because the weather is really hot and it is not easy to care for their hair.

This meeting place is rented but the Church has added some touches. The room with the chairs and no wall is where sacrament meeting is held. Next to it is the mango tree under which the motorcycles and bicycles used to get to Church are parked. Next to them is the large black poly tank where water is stored.

The Church has also installed a baptismal font.

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