Sunday, November 9, 2014

Solar Power in Gomsa Oguaa

         We went with Brother and Sister Bullocks, our humanitarian missionaries, to inspect the solar power project the Church had just installed in the Gomsa Oguaa Community Health Clinic. Gomsa Oguaa is on a long dirt road about an hour and a half outside of Accra. The clinic serves a number of surrounding villages. It is managed by Henrietta Pratt, a licensed physicians’ assistant. Because the location is so remote there is no work there for her husband so they live miles and miles apart and see each other on the weekends. The facilities are rudimentary. The solar panel project will allow the clinic to have stored electricity for use when the power goes out which happens a lot in Ghana. This simple sounding project has improved the lives of many people in a remote location.

                                                   The road to Gomsa Oguaa.

                                                  A home in a village on the way.

               This signs explain all the services which are available here in this small clinic.

                     The clinic is way off the main road and serves many villages around.

                                                         Water for washing hands.

Polio has not yet been eradicated from Ghana but the Church is involved in a house to house project to eliminate it from the villages.

                If you look closely you can see the solar panels which are barely visible on the far end of the clinic's roof.

                                               Sister Bullock and Henrietta Pratt,

                   Heniretta explains to Elder Wilde how the solar panels work.

Mothers and women gathered to get medical help at the clinic. 

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