Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Wheel Chair Project

Several of the senior missionary couples with whom we work are called to assist with humanitarian projects. They have done many things from arranging for food to go to members in ebola stricken countries to installing generators to  provide power to remote villages,  to  installing bore hole wells  to provide fresh water  to working on the wheel chair project.

The wheel chair project is funded by the church which provides wheel chairs 326  to people who need but cannot afford them and the Ghana Health Service. They train local people how to measure the occupant of the wheel chair and put it together custom fit to the new owner.

The wheel chairs are custom fit to the new owners.

This physical therapist and his wife, from Utah,,Dan and Kathy Mills,along with several others volunteer their time to help these needy people get new properly fit wheel chairs.

                                   These people uncrate and assemble the wheel chairs..

Becky Stoker from the Church's Public Affairs office chats with Gaetan Adangabey from the Ghana Health Service, and documents the project and its succcess.

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