Sunday, August 10, 2014

Church in Dodowa

We went to Church in Dodowa again today. We were supposed to go there to teach the temple preparation class but they have an ordinance worker in the Branch who had already taught everyone who was eligible to go to the temple. We will stay working with them until the six people they have who completed the course attend the temple. Going to Dodowa for church is great. It looks as though it is about to become a ward. They filled every seat, and more, for sacrament meeting today. As has happened in every testimony meeting we have attended here at least one testimony was in a tribal language we didn’t understand and, as is usual, no one got up to interpret.

Dodowa is in the country. That doesn’t mean it is like traveling in rural Utah it just means that the villages which connect to each other are not jammed together and that there is some agricultural land along the way. These include small corn fields, banana orchards, mango orchards and the ever present goats. A delightful place.

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